The Teen Challenge program aims to prepare Grace Academy students to take an active role in shaping their lives and futures, to remain free from drug, alcohol and other addictions and to prepare them for the challenges and complexities of this day and age.
We endeavour to meet the needs of the whole person to help them to be Physically well, Socially adjusted, Mentally sound, Emotionally balanced and Spiritually alive.
Located near Esperance, Teen Challenge Grace Academy is a 40 bed facility on 250 acres of land and is a residential rehabilitation and detox program that offers men and women aged 18 and over freedom from drug and alcohol dependence and other life control problems. Based on Christian principles, the program offers academic and vocational training and focuses on developing Christian character, equipping the individual to return to family and society as a responsible citizen.
Teen Challenge was established by David Wilkerson in 1958 and has grown to over 1400 centres in over 122 countries worldwide.
Teen Challenge Western Australia is a Residential Rehabilitation Training Centre located in Esperance. Over time, a range of other programs has been developed in order to meet the needs of young people and families experiencing drug and alcohol related problems. Established in 1985 it is a not for profit organisation.
As well as drug treatment services for individuals and families, Teen Challenge WA delivers school-based and community-based education and prevention programs to meet the growing demand for practical information and good advice on responding to drug and alcohol abuse.