Many individuals living in recovery need to return to rehab treatment at some point in their lives. But how can you know when it’s time to go back to rehab? And why is this a beneficial option for someone who’s been in recovery for a long time?
If you are looking for safe rehab centers for either your first time in treatment or for later in your recovery, we can help.
Why Isn’t One Treatment Program Enough to Cure Addiction?
Addiction is a chronic disease, and unfortunately, this means many individuals who become addicts will struggle with their substance use disorder for years and perhaps even for the rest of their lives. This is a serious issue and, as such, may require treatment at many different stages in one’s recovery. Most patients need long-term or repeated care to stop using completely and recover their lives.
Addiction usually isn’t cured with one treatment program or even more than one. However, because these programs are effective for helping patients create better behaviors and live healthier lives, revisiting them from time to time can be extremely beneficial to one’s overall recovery. Most people will not need to be in rehab for their entire lives, but participating in additional programs after being in recovery for a time can allow someone to build a healthier––and safer––long-term recovery for themselves.
Should I Go Back to Rehab?
The decision to go back to rehab––and when––can be a difficult one and should not be taken lightly. It is important to consider your needs for treatment just as you did when you first attend rehab and to ask yourself what you believe going back to a rehab program could do to help you in your recovery.
Here are some reasons why a person may consider returning to rehab. If these apply to you, it could, in fact, be an extremely helpful option for your long-term recovery.
- The threat of relapse: This is perhaps the number one reason why many individuals choose to return to rehab. Relapse among substance abusers is common, even later in one’s treatment, and while this does not mean that treatment has failed, it can mean that a person could use a refresher course. There are a million reasons why a person might relapse or experience the threat of a relapse, and seeking treatment is a good way to find out what the reasons are.
- Changes in life: When an individual has a life change (like a change of job, moving, etc.), it can be extremely stressful. You may want to return to your old regimen of therapy or another option in order to help you through this difficult time.
- Refreshing lessons learned in treatment: We all need refresher courses from time to time, especially if we have been away from something for a long while and gotten rusty. Rehab can be this option for someone who needs to be reminded of the lessons they learned in treatment.
- Change in emotions or mental health: If you have noticed that your mental and emotional health is not as strong as it once was, going back to rehab could be a beneficial way to avoid any dangerous side effects of this issue (including relapse), as well as a way to examine and solve any psychological problems you may be having.
- Need for Support: Some individuals return to rehab because they are in need of more support than they currently have. This can be a great way to strengthen your social support system, especially if it has been lacking lately, and to remind yourself that there are people who care about your recovery and your ability to avoid drug abuse.
The best way to know if it’s time to go back to rehab, though, is if you truly feel that it will help you. If you do, don’t hesitate, and get the help you need today.
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